
Many Ukrainian cities mourns today Euromaidan activists and Ukrainian soldiers who lost their lives over the last year. The city of Kharkiv was not exception this Sunday. But peaceful rally turned to the bloody tragedy there with at least 4...
9 years ago
Bomb explosion (the blast moment captured on this video) kills three people during commemoration rally for fallen Ukraine Heroes in Kharkiv on...
9 years ago
Bomb explosion (the blast moment captured on this video) kills three people during commemoration rally for fallen Ukraine Heroes in Kharkiv on Feb 22 2015 around 13:14.
9 years ago
The Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) continues in the east of the country. Effective efforts on the part of Ukraine military have...
10 years ago
February 22, 2015
Many Ukrainian cities mourns today Euromaidan activists and Ukrainian soldiers who lost their lives over the last year. The city of Kharkiv was not exception this Sunday. But peaceful rally turned to the bloody tragedy...
February 22, 2015
February 22, 2015
Bomb explosion (the blast moment captured on this video) kills three people during commemoration rally for fallen Ukraine Heroes in Kharkiv on Feb 22 2015 around 13:14.
February 22, 2015
February 22, 2015
Bomb explosion (the blast moment captured on this video) kills three people during commemoration rally for fallen Ukraine Heroes in Kharkiv on Feb 22 2015 around 13:14.
February 22, 2015
July 3, 2014
The Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) continues in the east of the country. Effective efforts on the part of Ukraine military have led to a lower rate of assaults from the terrorist side. At the same time,...
July 3, 2014
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