United Kingdom

Pink Floyd has joined support for Ukraine as on February 24 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine with full scale invasion. BoomBox singer Andriy Khlyvnyuk ended his US tour and returned home to Kyiv to defend his country.  Three days later, he...
2 years ago
Pink Floyd has joined with Andriy Khlyvnyuk to support Ukraine
Pink Floyd has joined with Andriy Khlyvnyuk to support Ukraine
The United Kingdom - Ukraine relations have always had a touch of light British coolness, for which this ancient island...
3 years ago
Отношения между Украиной и Великобританией всегда приобретали оттенок легкой британской прохлады, которой, впрочем, славится этот древний остров. После начала российской оккупации украинского полуострова Крым и начала вооруженной агрессии РФ на Востоке Украины, Британия неизменно заявляла...
3 years ago
April 8, 2022
Pink Floyd has joined support for Ukraine as on February 24 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine with full scale invasion. BoomBox singer Andriy Khlyvnyuk ended his US tour and returned home to Kyiv to defend his...
April 8, 2022
August 30, 2021
The United Kingdom - Ukraine relations have always had a touch of light British coolness, for which this ancient island is, in point of fact, famous. Since Russia began its occupation of the Ukrainian peninsula of...
August 30, 2021
August 30, 2021
Отношения между Украиной и Великобританией всегда приобретали оттенок легкой британской прохлады, которой, впрочем, славится этот древний остров. После начала российской оккупации украинского полуострова Крым и начала вооруженной агрессии РФ на Востоке Украины, Британия неизменно заявляла...
August 30, 2021
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