November 14, 2022

Zambia urges Russia to explain how its citizen from the Moscow prison ended up on the battlefield and was killed in Ukraine. Zambia has asked Russia to explain how one of its citizen - a student, who had been serving...
1 year ago
Zambia demands Russia to explain how its citizen ended up on the battlefield in Ukraine
Zambia demands Russia to explain how its citizen ended up on the battlefield in Ukraine
The russian federation relocates 20 more anti-aircraft missiles from Belarus to use in the war against Ukraine. This is reported...
1 year ago
November 14, 2022
Zambia urges Russia to explain how its citizen from the Moscow prison ended up on the battlefield and was killed in Ukraine. Zambia has asked Russia to explain how one of its citizen - a...
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
The russian federation relocates 20 more anti-aircraft missiles from Belarus to use in the war against Ukraine. This is reported by the Belarusian Hajun monitoring group. The monitoring group recorded that on November 13, another...
November 14, 2022
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