
The Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov wrote important words today about the command of our army.  "There is no other military leader in Europe who has military command experience of this magnitude. None! There are only a few...
2 years ago
All you should know about the command of Ukraine's Army who writes the modern history
All you should know about the command of Ukraine's Army who writes the modern history
Ukraine neither records the preparation of battle groups by Russia for a military offensive on the territories controlled by Ukraine,...
2 years ago
April 5, 2022
The Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov wrote important words today about the command of our army.  "There is no other military leader in Europe who has military command experience of this magnitude. None!...
April 5, 2022
February 3, 2022
Ukraine neither records the preparation of battle groups by Russia for a military offensive on the territories controlled by Ukraine, either from Crimea or from other sides, nor expects provocations against itself during the Allied...
February 3, 2022
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