December 14, 2021

The transit of Russian gas through Ukraine may stop this winter, but this will not lead to critical problems in the operation of the Ukrainian gas transmission system. Serhiy Makohon, Head of the GTS Operator of Ukraine, said this in...
2 years ago
Russia can stop gas transit, but Ukraine's GTS is ready for that
Russia can stop gas transit, but Ukraine's GTS is ready for that
The occupied Crimea and the and Rostov region (south of Russia) will be reinforced with “Super S-300” in the near...
2 years ago
According to the German newspaper Bild, German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel blocked deliveries of large-caliber Barrett M82 sniper rifles and EDM4S-UA UAV countermeasures to Ukraine through NATO channels. The newspaper writes that since May 2021, Germany...
2 years ago
Merkel blocks arms deliveries to Ukraine
Merkel blocks arms deliveries to Ukraine
Parliament has simplified the acquisition of citizenship for participants in hostilities on the side of Ukraine in Russia - Ukraine...
2 years ago
December 14, 2021
The transit of Russian gas through Ukraine may stop this winter, but this will not lead to critical problems in the operation of the Ukrainian gas transmission system. Serhiy Makohon, Head of the GTS Operator...
December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
The occupied Crimea and the and Rostov region (south of Russia) will be reinforced with “Super S-300” in the near future. According to the Ministry of Defense, the military department plans to provide the anti-aircraft...
December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
According to the German newspaper Bild, German ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel blocked deliveries of large-caliber Barrett M82 sniper rifles and EDM4S-UA UAV countermeasures to Ukraine through NATO channels. The newspaper writes that since May 2021, Germany...
December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
Parliament has simplified the acquisition of citizenship for participants in hostilities on the side of Ukraine in Russia - Ukraine war. On December 14, the Verkhovna Rada adopted in the second reading the draft law  on...
December 14, 2021
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